Please note this facility is due for upgrade shortly and will be unavailable until sometime in 2024. The replacement facilities are part of the National Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Hub initiative. Please do not start an application for this facility without prior contact with the TNA Manager.

The Stirling campus offers a Warm Water Research Facility (WWRF). The warm water facility contains genetically defined Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio) strains held in 10 self-contained warm-water recirculation systems. Cameras are also available for behavioural monitoring and custom-made tanks for behavioural tests are available. Ethovision software is also available for fish tracking and analysis

Available services

The service “Warm water research facility at Institute of Aquaculture UoS” in the ARIA application system is not currently available for TNA.