The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) has joined the Transnational Access programme of the AQUAEXCEL3.0 project and is announcing a joint call for access proposals.
In May 2024, EMBRC joined AQUAEXCEL3.0’s Transnational Access (TNA) programme to widen access to aquaculture research facilities in Europe. 40 EMBRC marine stations and institutes from 8 countries will provide additional services to complement AQUAEXCEL3.0’s existing aquaculture services. The additional services provided by EMBRC partners focus on supporting marine biological and ecological research. They include:
- Facilitating access to marine ecosystems (through coastal research vessels and the collection of organisms from the field)
- Marine biological resources (from culture collections and biobanks and taxonomy services)
- Experimental facilities (aquaria, tanks and mesocosms, dry and wet laboratories)
- Technological platforms (for molecular biology, imaging and structural and chemical analysis).
The joint call launched on Monday 13 May 2024, and researchers are now able to submit project proposals until the project ends in October 2025 or when all the available funding has been allocated, whichever is sooner.